Category Archives: Green Building Construction

The Myths and Facts About Green Building Construction

Green building is becoming a hot topic in the last several years. Although green building is not a new concept by any means, it is certainly becoming more important as we face up to the fact that many building practices are having a negative impact on our environment. Unfortunately, myths surround green building, and this […]

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The Future of Green Building

Our planet is covered in buildings. When you consider that 40% of global energy use and greenhouse emissions are produced by buildings, you can easily understand why it is so important that we continue efforts to promote green building practices. Green building is growing in popularity. Many businesses and individuals are realizing the crucial importance […]

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The 7 Components of Green Building

A green building construction company can enable you to get zero-energy ready homes that have been made to meet your desires. These properties are professionally constructed, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the property and its use of energy. But what are the seven components of a green energy building? 1. […]

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An Overview of Green Building Financial Incentives

An increasing number of construction companies are performing green building work throughout the United States. This is due in part to the ever-increasing focus on sustainability in design and construction, but also due to some of the green building financial incentives on state and federal levels that reward people and companies for achieving certain levels […]

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The Benefits of Green Building Construction

Sustainability has come into focus as one of the key concerns of builders across the nation, both in residential and commercial construction. There are many ways architects are using sustainable, green principles to develop buildings with minimized carbon footprints. Here are just a few examples of some of the biggest benefits associated with green building […]

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