Our planet is covered in buildings. When you consider that 40% of global energy use and greenhouse emissions are produced by buildings, you can easily understand why it is so important that we continue efforts to promote green building practices.
Green building is growing in popularity. Many businesses and individuals are realizing the crucial importance of setting green building practices as a top priority. Environmentally friendly construction legislation like the EU’s Green Deal is a positive step in the right direction. This quick guide will help you better understand the importance of green building and the future of the movement.
Understanding Green Building
Green building is defined as building practices that use more environmentally friendly materials as well as resource-efficient processes. These steps should be taken during the entire building life-cycle process, which can include construction, renovation, operation, maintenance and demolition. Let’s look at a few ways green building can be better practiced in the future.
Energy Usage
Not only is green building concerned with the construction process, but it is also concerned with how the building operates once construction is finished. The way a building uses energy is one of the most important factors.
To achieve green building ideals, there should be efforts made to use sustainable energy whenever possible. Energy should also be conserved in intelligent ways as well.
Water and Resource Usage
In addition to energy, there should also be a priority set on how other resources are used as well. This includes water usage. The future of green building will see more efficient water use for toilets, showers/tubs, faucets, and appliances that use water.
Making water-efficient appliances more easily accessible is one important way homeowners can be encouraged to utilize green building methods in their homes.
Insulation is not usually the first thought that comes to mind when you think about the future of green building, but insulation actually plays a very important role in energy conservation.
When homes are not properly insulated, energy is wasted at an alarming rate. A zero energy home builder can help prospective homeowners better understand how to manage energy through proper insulation choices and installation.
Bringing more energy-efficient lighting options to homes and offices is another important aspect of the future of green building. Lighting uses up a tremendous amount of energy each year in homes, businesses, schools, hospitals and other organizations. The only way to cut down on this energy use is to make energy-efficient lighting more accessible in the future to all.
Even when all of the right materials are used, and the right appliances are installed, it is still vital that homeowners, building owners and all citizens are properly educated on how to use energy and resources wisely. Many people simply do not realize that their everyday habits of energy and resource wasting are having a drastic and negative effect on the environment. Education is vital to making lasting changes that will positively benefit our environment.