Homeowners who are interested in improving the air quality in their home can benefit from the use of a whole home air cleaner. While there are a variety of outstanding choices available on the market, one we would like to feature today is the CleanEffects® Whole Home Air Cleaner from Trane, a long-time respected brand in the world of HVAC equipment.
Here’s a closer look at just a few of the main selling points Trane lists on its website for the system:
- Efficiency: Standard air cleaners use porous filters for trapping dust. While this can be somewhat effective at first, it will eventually inhibit airflow and result in decreased comfort and air quality in the home. The CleanEffects® system uses an electrostatic filter that allows air to flow freely, which makes for greater efficiency and air quality.
- Innovation: Trane’s CleanEffects® system is known for its innovation, including a patented air-cleaning technology capable of removing up to 99.98 percent of airborne allergens when air passes through the system’s filter. This outstanding level of cleanliness is possible because the system can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, which is eight times more effective than the highest-quality HEPA (high-efficiency particulate absorbing) filters and 100 times more effective than a typical 1-inch filter.
- Removal of small particles: As we already mentioned, CleanEffects® removes extremely small particles from the air. What makes this so important? These tiny particles can trigger asthma and allergy attacks inside your home and worsen existing symptoms. While most particles are larger than 0.3 microns, even those extremely tiny ones can be quite harmful. This effectiveness at removing small particles helps eliminate negative side effects of substances like pollen, pet hair, dust, dust mites, lint, mildew, tobacco smoke, fungus, cooking grease and various bacteria and viruses.
- Virus protection: The last two years in a deadly pandemic have made protection against viruses a bigger priority than ever for people with their whole-home air purifiers. The CleanEffects® system has been proven through independent testing to remove more than 99 percent of the surrogate for the virus that causes COVID-19 within a half hour. It’s also capable of removing 99.9 percent of the Influenza A virus. Get greater protection and improve health in your home with this equipment.
- Expert-tested and -verified: The CleanEffects® system has gone through thorough performance testing by LMS Technologies and Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc. The results of those tests were analyzed and verified by professors from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. All of these tests were performed to ensure users get the highest-quality air purifier for their home with results they can rely on.
Interested in learning more about what steps you can take in your home to improve your indoor air quality? We encourage you to get in touch with the team at Healthy Communities, and we will be happy to recommend equipment to install and actions to take to give you the highest-quality indoor air in your home.